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Geometries apply to the path either the edge of an object or the span of a line-based object takes between two control points.

There are three geometry types:


Simply the shortest path between two points - straight.


Spline applies a curve based on the Tension value you input in the object's Properties.

Tension values can be any value less than 1:

  • A lower value will apply less smoothing - making the line more direct and less curved.
  • A higher value will smooth the path more - creating more curvature.


Bezier provides the most control when shaping a line item or object - allowing you to create precise curvature where needed without disturbing sections you would prefer to keep straight.

Initially an object set to Bezier will be straight.

Using Bezier

Select the object, you will see control points are Aqua colored rather than the usual Red. Clicking and dragging these points will create Tangent Points.

Two Tangent Points can exist for each control points. Moving the Tangent Points will alter the shape of the curve - sharpening it if pulled closer to the control points, smoothing it if pulled further away.

If you need to alter the location of a control points, hold Shift to reveal the normal Red control points. This can be clicked and dragged to change its location.