Polyline | | Draws straight lines that can be connected in a series of segments |
Polygon | | Draws a polygon shape that can be filled with a custom color |
Spline | | Creates a curved line along path |
Filled Spline | | Creates a curved line that can be connected and filled with a custom color |
Bezier | | Create a curved line with greater precision using control points and curve handles |
Filled Bezier | | Create a curved line with greater precision using control points and curve handles. Fill with custom colors |
Text object | | Creates an object out of text that can be manipulated like any other object |
Text box | | Creates a box that can be filled with text |
Rectangle | | Draw rectangular shapes and fill with custom colors |
Ellipse | | Draw elliptical shapes and fill with custom colors |
Arc | | Draw a line in the shape of an arc |
Arc Pie | | Creates an arc shape that can be filled with a custom color |
Rounded Rectangle | | Creates rectangle with rounded edges that can be filled with a custom color |
Insert Image | | Insert an image file (jpeg, png, gif) to drop onto the canvas area |