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Autosave Feature

Changes made to a plan are saved automatically. The Status Bar located at the top of the page shows the autosave status.

There are three states of the saving process:

Feature nameButtonDescription
Gathering Changesgathering changesThe system is gathering changes made to your plan. It is recommended you don't exit the page when changes are pending.
SavingSavingThe file is saving to the Invarion Cloud. It is recommended you don't exit the page while the plan is saving.
Up to Dateup to dateYour plan is now saved. It is now safe to exit the page.

Panning across the map or changing plan location will not trigger the autosave function. You must draw or place an object on the canvas area to initial the autosave.

Note that by clicking on this icon you can learn details of the last saved version of your plan, how long it has been since a local backup has been created, as well as how many versions of the plan have been saved locally. You will also find a link to view the history of your saved versions.