📄️ What countries is RapidPlan available in?
RapidPlan is currently available in the following countries. Each country version includes all up-to-date traffic signage and templates (standard setups) available for that region. For more information, contact our sales team.
📄️ Can I import high quality images into RapidPlan?
Formats like JPG, PNG are what’s called raster images, or bitmaps, which means they’re fixed sets of pixels. It’s not possible to scale them without losing quality. To see quality improve, set the option in Tools->Preferences->Application->Image Options->Exported image resolution to produce images up to 8 times larger than the normal size. With this option set, the plan will be enlarged and then exported to an image, making the image larger and more suitable for printing.
📄️ What file formats are supported when importing to RapidPlan?
RapidPlan can add images that are in BMP, JPEG, GIF, and PNG format, including the ability to import DXF and ERSI files.
📄️ How do layers work on RapidPlan?
The Layers tab can be found on the right side of the application, along with the Properties tab. If it’s not there, go to the View tab and check the box for the Layers list option.
📄️ Our office has a firewall that filters Internet connection and I’m having trouble connecting to RapidPlan – What should I do?
The firewall needs to be configured in a way that will allow the Invarion Launcher to communicate with the servers it uses. The list of addresses that should be whitelisted in your firewall and/or proxy configuration can be found here.
📄️ Can I transfer my single-machine license to another computer?
Yes, but only one computer at a time can use your single-machine license. To transfer a license to another computer, follow the process below. If you run into any issues, feel free to contact us for assistance.
📄️ I see that Invarion has an extensive sign library, but how do I create an additional custom sign?
We will be happy to create a new sign for you at no additional cost if you send your requirements to support@invarion.com
📄️ I want to export a RapidPlan Traffic Control plan to PDF. How do I do that?
Simply click on File > Export >To PDF on the menu bar.
📄️ Can I draw a plan directly onto an aerial image?
Yes, RapidPlan can display a dynamic basemap preview on the plan drawing canvas. You can then download aerial tiles as plan background, import road network data and display location coordinates of any point on the plan. Toggle between mapping provided by Google, Bing, ArcGIS and more.
📄️ Can I use RapidPlan without an Internet connection?
Yes. You can access the full functionality of RapidPlan without having an internet connection. However, at least once every 14 days you will need to connect to the Internet via the Invarion Launcher to maintain the use of the software.
📄️ How does the annual renewal work?
We let you know 45 days in advance of your license expiry date so you will have plenty of time to renew your license and maintain access to the software and all updates.
📄️ Can I run RapidPlan on a Mac?
RapidPlan can run on a Mac with applications like Parallels, VMWare, or Boot Camp. If you buy RapidPlan for your Mac and aren’t fully satisfied with running it through VMWare or one of the other options, we do offer a 14-day money back guarantee. Give it a try!
📄️ Can I use RapidPlan on a tablet?
RapidPlan will operate on any tablet that runs the full Windows Operating System.