📄️ Downloading RapidPlan - The Invarion Launcher
RapidPlan is accessed through a small client program named the Invarion Launcher.
📄️ Changing the Assigned User or Transferring a License
Changing User
📄️ Working Offline or via Proxy
Single-machine RapidPlan license holders will be able to access RapidPlan without an internet connection for up to 14 days at a time. This 14 day period resets every time the Invarion Launcher is accessed while the computer is connected to the internet.
📄️ Changing Default Text Settings
By default RapidPlan will create Arial 14pt text. This can be changed through the RapidPlan Preferences screen or from within the Properties palette.
📄️ Managing Preferences
The Preferences menu houses controls relating to: