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Tools Palette

The Tools palette contains most of the elements required to draw a plan. The tools are separated into three categories, detailed in the Tables below:

Road tools

Road toolroad1Fully customizable road tool (increase lanes, widths etc)
Lane markerroad2Create additional lane markers on road regions
Crosswalkroad3Quick draw crosswalk tool
Flush medianroad4Draw a flush median to desired size
Lane maskroad7Cover up lane markers on drawn roads using line or spline
Road maskroad5Cover up lane markers on drawn roads using polygon
Chevron flush medianroad6Draw a chevron flush median to desired size

Marker tools

Delineatormarker1Draw a delineator (e.g., cone, barrel) and change the type in Properties
Work areamarker2Draws a work zone polygon
Safety zonemarker3Draws a safety zone polygon
Title boxmarker4Details plan information
Manifest boxmarker5Itemizes the number of objects on a plan
Legend boxmarker6Defines features and symbols used on a plan
Arrow markermarker7Draws an arrow object
Angle markermarker8Marks the angle between two points
North arrow bearingmarker9Place a north bearing marker on the canvas area
Arrow board toolmarker10Electronic arrow board marker
Train tracksmarker11Draws train tracks. This can be adjusted to tram tracks on the Properties.
Distance markermarker12Mark the distance between two points
Combined distance markermarker13Mark multiple distances separated into segments
Offset distance markermarker14Mark the distance between two points and offset the marker
Multi-message sign (Australian version only)marker15Opens the multi-message sign creator

Primitive tools

Polylineprim1Draws straight lines that can be connected in a series of segments
Polygonprim2Draws a polygon shape that can be filled with a custom color
Splineprim3Creates a curved line along path
Filled Splineprim4Creates a curved line that can be connected and filled with a custom color
Bezierprim5Create a curved line with greater precision using control points and curve handles
Filled Bezierprim6Create a curved line with greater precision using control points and curve handles. Fill with custom colors
Text objectprim7Creates an object out of text that can be manipulated like any other object
Text boxprim8Creates a box that can be filled with text
Rectangleprim9Draw rectangular shapes and fill with custom colors
Ellipseprim10Draw elliptical shapes and fill with custom colors
Arcprim11Draw a line in the shape of an arc
Arc Pieprim12Creates an arc shape that can be filled with a custom color
Rounded Rectangleprim13Creates rectangle with rounded edges that can be filled with a custom color
Insert Imageprim14Insert an image file (jpeg, png, gif) to drop onto the canvas area