📄️ What is Swept Path Analysis?
Swept Path Analysis calculates and examines the behavior of a moving vehicle, with all its parts, during turning manoeuvres. This is required to determine whether the surrounding infrastructure provides the vehicle enough space to navigate through safely.
📄️ Definitions
Term |Definition
📄️ Using the Vehicle Library
To open the RapidPath Vehicle Library you need to select the Vehicle tool from the Tools Palette.
📄️ Preparing Swept Path Analysis
Adding a vehicle to the plan
📄️ Swept Path Analysis Properties
A Swept Path's properties can be updated in order to:
📄️ Using Swept Path Annotation Items
Adding a Vehicle Profile
📄️ Animating Vehicle Movement
Once a vehicle's path has been designed as discussed here, the vehicle's movement through that route can be recorded to be shared as a .gif file.